Ready to feel confident in your body...with a community?

The membership is for YOU if:

  • You feel stressed about whether you're eating enough or too much

  • You're not sure what 'counts' as a workout...or how to fuel your movement

  • You don't know what nutrition information is true or what to trust online

  • You struggle to accept your body

  • You never know what to make for dinner and don't want to spend more time thinking about meal prep

  • You're don't have many people to talk to about your journey with your relationship with food and body image

  • You want community that also values health and wellness (in a non diety way!)

The membership is a resource with...

A group chat for all members to have 24/7 support from others on their own journey with food and body image (AND an expert dietitian guiding you!)

Monthly LIVE zoom calls to connect in real time with the entire community and learn from Michelle

Easy meal ideas that are quick to make and tasty to eat - from Michelle's own meal rotation so they're dietitian approved!

Private podcasts only shared with the membership about everything from fueling running to eating the right amount to how to stop tracking weight and calories

Meditations on body image, gratitude, and more to keep your mind as healthy as your body

Example Curriculum

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