Ready to stop hating your body?

This course is for you!

The week long course will give you inspiration, education, and practical exercises that will help you:

  • stop obsessing over things you hate about your body...
  • and start to focus on fully living your life instead!

What Students are Saying...

BEFORE Body Image Bootcamp they were:

  • "...mad and defeated. I wanted to stop feeling guilty and judgemntal about my food and body changes. I could tell I was changing and getting stronger, but I was so disheartened with the numbers and things. It was making me feel really bummed out and not confident about other aspects of my life." - Mika, 42, NC

  • "comparison has really been a battle for so long and I so desperately want it to leave!!" - Jen, 33, TX

  • "I judged myself so much. I allowed myself to eat certain foods based off what my body looked like, how much movement I had that day etc. I avoided mirrors and always body checked." - Karli, 30, NY

AFTER the course here's how they felt:

  • "Much better!! ...on the path towards a more neutral perspective...I am a friend of my body. I am not weighing it or measuring it frequently like I did before. I am adding clothes that fit into my wardrobe." - Mika

  • "I feel like I have better tools to help me reframe when I’m in a low period and truly having other humans who get it in a safe place expressing the SAME fears and insecurities is so validating!" -Jen

  • "I notice the negative thoughts on my body and my fitness performance are less. during the bootcamp, I took a whole week straight off from running, which was a huge run! and now i only run a couple days a week, lower pace, lower distance. I also am getting better at distracting myself when I notice myself body checking. Plus, I am confident throwing away clothes that don't fit :)" -Karli

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What's Included?

  • 7 audio lessons from a Registered Dietitian that you can listen to podcast-style on the go (go all in for a week or space them out)

  • daily prompts and challenges so you have something practical to work on each day

  • body image worksheets for each lesson that will get you to a place of feeling confident in your body

Clients are saying...

"I feel much more happy with

and comfortable in my body"
-AF, 31, New York

You can transform...

"From constant food control to

food freedom and body acceptance"
-KJ, 24, New York

Imagine this...

"Though I am still learning how to think about my body, I have already gained so much freedom, liberation, enjoyment, and a new appreciation for nutrition and movement"

-MV, 31, New York

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