Ready to stop hating your body?

This course is for you!

The one month course will give you inspiration, education, and practical exercises that will help you:

  • stop obsessing over things you hate about your body...
  • and start to focus on fully living your life instead!

What's Included?

  • Podcast style audio lessons from a Registered Dietitian that you can listen to on the go

  • prompts and challenges so you have something practical to work on each day

  • body image worksheets for each lesson

Client's are saying...

"I feel much more happy with

and comfortable in my body"
-AF, 31, New York

You can transform...

"From constant food control to

food freedom and body acceptance"
-KJ, 24, New York

Imagine this...

"Though I am still learning how to think about my body, I have already gained so much freedom, liberation, enjoyment, and a new appreciation for nutrition and movement"

-MV, 31, New York

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